Environmental Protection Agency Narragansett Bay Commission University of Rhode Island Inner Space Center

Estuarine Science


1. What is Water Temperature?
2. How do we measure Water Temperature?
3. What is the temperature of Narragansett Bay?
4. What can we learn about Narragansett Bay by measuring water temperature?

2. How do we measure Water Temperature?

Temperature is measured as degrees on a standard scale, such as Fahrenheit or Celsius.

Water temperature is often measured with a thermometer. A thermometer has a liquid inside that expands as the temperature increases. The temperature is read from the scale printed on the thermometer.

Temperature is also commonly measured with an electronic device called a thermistor (thermal resistor). A thermistor measures temperature by measuring the resistance to electric flow in a metal. The electrical resistance of a metal will increase as the temperature increases.

Temperature Scales

1. What is Water Temperature?
2. How do we measure Water Temperature?
3. What is the temperature of Narragansett Bay?
4. What can we learn about Narragansett Bay by measuring water temperature?


(Image credits are listed in Image Index)

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