Galilee Salt Marsh

Virtual Field Trip
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We are now going to continue along the edge of the lower marsh to return to the muddy area, known as "mudflats" to see what else we can investigate.
Can you hear your boots sloshing in the shallow water just above the mud? Who are those other people out there? They are dressed much like we are, but are they on a field trip also? What else would someone be doing at low tide in a New England salt marsh?
One of us should run ahead and ask those people in the distance what they are doing with those long handled poles. Okay?

Did you find out that they are digging for hard shelled clams which are called, quahogs in Rhode Island? Their bucket is full of small clams, known in Rhode Island as "cherrystones". They are a very popular dish and can be cooked, breaded, and stuffed. The cooked and stuffed clam is known here as a "stuffie". Clam chowder is also made from these popular bivalves. Is anyone else getting hungry?

One of the clam diggers showed us the tool he uses to help him dig for the clams. It is called a clam rake and as he digs across the muddy bottom, the prongs of the rake bring the clams into a metal basket.


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